I'm having an issue with the double rr for mst direct routing. I'm using subdomains like 23234.mydomain.com with a wildcard certificate and I set corex modparam alias_subdomains to mydomain.com
But loose_route doesn't seem to detect the rr as myself
I get the message:
rr [loose.c:804]: rr_do_force_send_socket(): no socket found to match second RR (sip:20141.mydomain.com:5063;transport=tls;ftag=as7107d0fe;lr;r2=on;vsf=AAAAAAAAAAADCQMaABhMS1NYRh0cRllbR0RRQG91cC5lcw--;nat=yes;pet=mst)
Regarding my setup is more or less like this:
#!substdef "!MSTDOMAIN!mydomain.com!g"
kamailio.cfg: modparam("corex", "alias_subdomains", "MSTDOMAIN")
But in the cli:
kamctl rpc corex.list_aliases { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ ], "id": 1319303 }
I don't remember to have this issue when I was developing the mst integration. Either I missed it or can it be a regression? kamailio version is 5.6.4 at the moment.
Any ideas?