Hi All.
I'm using ser-0.9 with mediaproxy-1.2.0
We've been trying to track down a problem whereby different ATAs stop working either partially or crash entirely.
We have a UTstarcom iAN-02EX with firmware (released a few weeks ago).
When I telnet to the ATA and enable debug messages I see this:
Not a valid SIP request! Error: Parse error...
The above error is generated everytime SER sends a UDP keep-alive packet shown below:
23:35:21.494441 pcp02356144pcs.clbrtn01.fl.comcast.net.5060 > ssvsoho137.smartcity.net.58317: udp 4 (DF) [tos 0x10] 0x0000 4510 0020 69c2 4000 4011 24ee 4454 f278 E...i.@.@.$.DT.x 0x0010 425a 32e6 13c4 e3cd 000c 5c37 0000 0000 BZ2.......\7....
Can anyone tell me if this is a SER issue or not?
Regards, Paul