On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 08:36:20PM +0200, DanB wrote:
We are talking about openser prepaid here in a proxy
scenario. I did not
involve any IP-PBX inside because if I would do then what's the point of my
prepaid system. Could be that I misunderstood your scenario, can u depict it
a bit more? Where should your user configure his ip-pbx account and why?
Our scenario it's simple and also very common:
- User go to the website and register for a new prepaid-account
- User get it SIP credentials and config data
- User go to him Asterisk PBX and configure him's account
- User IS a SOHO with 10 employers with 10 SIPPhones behing their
Asterisk PBX
So .. now .. how do you control that if they have 10€ on their account
and the 10 employers beging to do calls outsite, the credit runout on
a middle of 2 (for taking the simplest scenario) simultaneous calls
from that user to the PSTN world.
How do you control that on your scenario? you give each account a
call-limit of 1 ? ... do you give them 10 accounts instead of 1 ? and
on that case, again ... how do you control that 2 accounts from the
same "USER" do not runout of credit ?
P.D.: Please, only reply to the list, not need to CC me, I'm
Best regads
Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Dimensión Virtual S.L.