unfortunately the packages do not include the radius support for acc. You have to compile it by hand. Take the tarball sources from the site, untar them and modify the Makefile in openser-0.9.5_src/modules/acc. In this Makefile there are some comments how to enable radius support (you have to uncomment 2 lines: #DEFS+=-DRAD_ACC -I$(LOCALBASE)/include #LIBS=-L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -lradiusclient-ng ).
After compiling the module, copy it to /usr/lib/openser/modules and restart openser.
On 07/18/05 21:14, Jose Bertuzzi wrote:
Hello everyone! I am running debian stable and openser 0.9.5 installed from .deb binaries. I want to test radius accounting. I set: modparam("acc", "radius_flag", 1)
but i got
Jul 18 14:03:48 localhost openser: set_mod_param_regex: parameter <radius_flag> not found in module <acc>
Where do I get the acc with radius support?
kind regards, Pablo.
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