I have the force send socket in the branch route too.  So assume the first attempt fails and the call makes it to the failure route that I setup.  Once it gets to the branch route then it executes the following where you can perform your logic again.

branch_route[2] {
        xlog("new branch at $ru\n");
          xlog ("L_INFO", "This is a request for A Plan");
          xlog ("L_INFO", "This is a request for another plan");


On 1/29/11 12:32 PM, Graham Wooden wrote:
Re: [SR-Users] LCR next_gw() - certain GW, source from other IP address Well, ran into another wall .... I can¡¯t seem to do the force_send_socket at the point of when next_gw() is called in the failure  route.  

Is there anyway to clear and/or re-assign the data that is making it where I can¡¯t re-write the transaction to come from another IP addy?

On 1/29/11 11:01 AM, "Graham Wooden" <graham@g-rock.net> wrote:


While the Ips are the same, the suggestion to use ¡°rd¡± along with an entry in the ¡°hostname¡± column appears to be what I want.  

I assigned in my DNS some testing hostnames to the single IP in question.  When debugging, I see that rd contains the hostname, not the IP.  I believe with that, I can differentiate between the two... And when I see hostname of blah.blah.tld, then go ahead and do the force_send_socket.

This definitely solves the issue for the time being. However, I am wondering if/when call volume increases if the call-setup time be delayed because of these look ups.  Everything that I have read so far is that the gw_name is just information, the module doesn¡¯t actually have access to it. Boo.


On 1/29/11 8:36 AM, "GP Wooden" <graham@g-rock.net> wrote:

Same destination IP for both rate decks, so I need to go by something else, like the gw_name.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Stagg Shelton" <stagg@vocalcloud.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 29, 2011 8:27 am
Subject: [SR-Users] LCR next_gw() - certain GW, source from other IP address
To: <sr-users@lists.sip-router.org>

Do the provider gateways have the same IP address for the different rate
plans?  If the gateways are different then the following may be relevant.

           if (next_gw()) {
                 # prepare for lcr failover
                   xlog ("L_INFO", "This is a request for Some Rate Plan");
                   xlog ("L_INFO", "This is a request for another rate
           } else {
             xlog("No gateways found!");


On 1/29/11 9:10 AM, Graham Wooden wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a requirement now that for one of my GW©ös in my LCR, needs to be
> sourced from another IP address (two different rate-decks with the carrier).
> This ratedeck will always be at least 2nd inline ...
> I was thinking something along the sorts ... Some pseudo code:
> failure_route [2] {
> .
> .
>      if (next_gw()) {
>          if ( name = 'gw_name') {
>              force_send_socket(udp:ip.address.of.certain.ip:5060);
>          } else {
>              # just dummy, as we will send out our default IP for everyone
> else.
>          }
>          t_on_failure("2");
>          route(19);
>      }
> .
> .
> .
> }
> What variable will have the value that's in the gw_name column? I can't go
> by the IP address in $ru because the destination IP is the same between the
> two ratedecks.
> Overall, Is that the best way to handle this requirement?
> Thanks all,
> -graham
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