Hi Marian Maybe you can give me a tip about this problem. I've been reading the tm module documentation to try to find if it is because I'm doing something wrong at routing but I'm really confused. I haven't found nothing at the INSTALL and README documentation from mediaproxy either.

I have analyzed the problem and I'm watching that from some reason when the UA send the CANCEL signal to the SER, the SER is not sending the CANCEL to the PSTN gateway like if the transaction was losing the location or the call id. I don't know if this is because something with the rewritehost function.

Thanks in advance.

Alberto Cruz

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Troubles calling from a Nated UA to a PSTN gateway on a Public address space using SER 0.9.1 and Mediaproxy Release 1.2.1
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 13:02:25 -0600
From: Alberto Cruz <acruz@tekbrain.com>
To: serusers@lists.iptel.org

Hi everybody I having a weird behavior with
Mediaproxy I'm using SER 0.9.1 and Mediaproxy Release 1.2.1
The Gateway is a Cisco AS5300 using release 12.2(15)T

I have a UA using behind a NAT, the PSTN gateway and the SER server both
    are using public IP addresses.

The behaviors are the following:
1. When I tried to place a call from a NATed UA to the PSTN gateway I'm
not receiving the call progress tone or ring back tone at the NATed UA.
2. If I decide to wait until the call is completed (doesn't matter if a
heard death air as progress tone) I start hearing the calling
party as soon the call is completed and we can talk each other without
any troubles.
3. If I cancel the call and hang up the phone at the NATed UA before the
call is completed (during the call progress stage) the SER/Mediaproxy
don't cancel the call it still in progress until it is completed or
cancelled by the PSTN.

I'm attaching my ser configuration and the logging I'm getting when I
cancel the call before it's completed.

Please Help me to know how to fix this If I'm making some mistake with
mediaproxy or routing configuration at the ser configuration.

Thanks in advanced.


Alberto Cruz