Hello I try to use kamctl dispatcher reload cmd but in gives me an error
kamctl dispatcher reload
ERROR: Error opening Kamailio's FIFO /tmp/kamailio_fifo
ERROR: Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")' in your config
ERROR: and also have loaded the mi_fifo module.

when i try to user kamcmd dispather.reload it gives me:

ERROR: connect_unix_sock: connect(/tmp/kamailio_ctl): No such file or directory 

At kamailio.cfg I defined modparams for ctl.so and enables ctl.so module too

modparam("ctl", "mode", 0600)
modparam("ctl", "user", "root")
modparam("ctl", "fifo", "fifo:/tmp/kamailio_fifo")
modparam("ctl", "fifo", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo2")
modparam("ctl", "fifo", "udp:*:2050")              # fifo protocol over udp
modparam("ctl", "fifo", "tcp:*:2050")              # fifo over tcp

At the kamctlrc I defined

So I can not understand what is wrong with my FIFO file?