Hi Iqbal,
Openser 0.9.[4,5] is compatible with the SER scripts (the other way
around doesn't work). Even so, there are some fixing in processing of
return commands - see
http://openser.org/pipermail/users/2005-June/thread.html thread.
Openser 0.10.x is no more compatible due the addition of
pseudo-variables in acc, avpops, tm, xlog modules.
You may run both ser and openser on them machine (but different ports
;-) ) - OpenSER installs in different directories than SER and the
installed files have different names exactly to avoid any overlapping
with SER.
Iqbal wrote:
Just a quick hello, thought I'd might as well join this list.
Maybe I'll get round to installing it soon, and seeing whats diff, I
believe the config files ser--->openser is the same,
Is there any problem running both ser and openser, on the same machine.
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