El Jueves, 18 de Diciembre de 2008, Iñaki Baz Castillo escribió:
I'm thinking in the following flow in which the
caller/attacker would
get an unlimited call (but a limited CDR duration):
attacker Kamailio (Acc) gateway
INVITE (CSeq 12) ------>
<-------- 407 Proxy Auth
INVITE (CSeq 13) ------>
INVITE (CSeq 13) ------>
<------------------- 200 Ok
<------------------- 200 Ok
<< Acc START >>
ACK (CSeq 13) ----------->
ACK (CSeq 13) ----------->
<******************* RTP ************************>
# Fraudulent BYE !!!
BYE (CSeq 10) ----------->
<< Acc STOP >>
BYE (CSeq 10) ----------->
<-- 500 Req Out of Order
<-- 500 Req Out of Order
There is a solution for this (not perfect):
- The proxy stops the accounting when receives a BYE from the gateway,
regardless of the BYE reply from the client. This prevents from BYE
negatively answered by clients.
- The proxy stops the accounting when receives a BYE from the client and the
200 OK from the gateway. This prevents from the above case in which the
client sends an out-of-date CSeq in the BYE.
But this is not enough, note the following case:
- The user is in a call with the gateway.
- The user sends a BYE with "Route: proxy" and RURI pointing to *himself*.
- The BYE arrives to the proxy which forwards it back to the user again.
- The user (attacker in fact) replies a 200 OK but doesn't terminate the RTP
session with the gateway.
- The proxy receives the 200 OK (BYE) from a user, so terminates the
- The gateway knows exactly *nothing* about it, the call continues (but from
now it's free).
Iñaki Baz Castillo