the ACK before does not match the format from the sip trace you sent previously, this one has the r-uri with lr parameters inside it, see the log messages:
Apr 20 11:21:40 kamailio1 /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[6546]: ERROR:<script>: before loose_route M=ACK RURI=sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=as61fa39de;did=ff7.8c550a93 F=sip:0180290xxxxxx@sipgate.de T=sip:0049511xxxxxxxxx@sipgate.de IP= ID=062b0eec058033df3517e99311abe212@sipgate.de
The other one was:
ACK sip: SIP/2.0
Also, send the ngrep and the logs together, to match them, only one of them is quite useless. Use ngrep -d any ... in order to catch the traffic on all interfaces.
Cheers, Daniel
On 4/20/12 11:32 AM, Karsten Horsmann wrote:
Hi Daniel,
i made this trace (95KB) and you can view it here http://srv01.0x300.de/failed_to_parse_Route_HF.txt (its to big for the ml).