On 30.06.21 09:28, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Shahid Hussain writes:
Would like to know what is the recommended
solution for this problem using
alias or is it a limitation of using alias?
Maybe a limitation. Try with SIP User
Agents that support gruu and thus
identify themselves using sip.instance.
Relying on GRUU would be ok, but most of the UAs I had to deal with lack
its implementation.
What I have seen as an alternative (e.g., linphone, iirc) is sending
re-INVITE with the new contact address and then a new alias will be
generated as well. It is not enough for the UA to send a new REGISTER,
that is for receiving new calls. In making calls is not restricted to
registered devices, therefore when an UA changes is local
states/coordinates, it has to send a re-INVITE. Contact can be changed
within dialog (also, just for sake of completion, dialog module should
save new Contact values), only Record-Route/Route headers are fixed for
active calls (as far as I remember right now).
Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
www.twitter.com/miconda --