Hi Bastien, Thank you for your help. I have an other question please: Can I use dynamique string ($avp(...)) as parameters in remove_hf( ) or append_hf( )? because when I execute for example remove_hf ("$avp(s:headername)") ($avp (s:headerName) = "Allow" ), I have not error but the header is not removed also.
Thanks , Yazid
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Bastian Friedrich < bastian.friedrich@collax.com> wrote:
On Thursday 12 June 2008, Yazid Hadj Said wrote:
Please, i want to know why when i try to use remove_hf() and append_hf() functions with Perl (moduleFunction(func,string1,string2)), I have this message:
Jun 12 11:03:53 [12838] ERROR:core:moduleFunc: Module function
is unsafe. Call is refused.
the reason for the error you are seeing is quite technical. Functions defined in modules can define a so-called "fixup function" for parameter preprocessing. Unfortunately, doing so can result in memory leaks and all sorts of other problems, so their usage is forbidden.
append_hf as well as remove_hf are such functions.
We have had numerous discussions on that topic, but unfortunately, the results have yet been limited. A lot of work needs to be invested to create matching functions for all fixup functions in the code.
You can disable the safety checks in the perl module using a "secret" parameter, but append_hf _will_ then result in problems sooner or later.
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