On Friday 27 June 2008, Sundaramoorthy, Vijaianand
We are trying to benchmark openser1.3.1 -
installed in a 2cpu-dual
core(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5110 @ 1.60GHz),hp c-class blade, with 2GBRAM.
We have configured openser with mysql database as registerer.
We are using IMS Bench(IMS SIPp),to generate SIPp traffic - combination of
registration/re registration/de-registration/call flow(uac)/scenarios.
It looks like, the when the calls per second is increased 150/200 CPS,
calls started failing.
Is this is normal acceptable performance figures for openser for the above
we record route all the SIP requests (except for REGISTER,MESSAGE ) and we
do have mysql database for authenticating registration requests.
Attached, the openser.cfg
Also attached the Error logs from SIPP.
Anyone have some clues/hints?
Hi Vijaianand,
the number you've quotes is not that bad, but you should be able to achieve a
better performance with four 1.6 GHz cores. Does everything run on this one
machine, e.g. the IMS bench and the database?
I assume that the DB is the bottleneck in your configuration, try to use
usrloc in db_mode=0 to test. Another possible issue can be DNS, try to use
IPs instead names or a local dns cache.
Also take a look at the CPU usage. Is it reaching 100% when problems
start? Increase the number of processes, e.g children=10 and see if the
performance increases.
Like Henning said start finding the bottleneck. Disable all external
components like DNS lookups and DB queries (usrloc, authentication,
accounting). Then take a look if the performance is better. Then add
again one after the other and find the bottleneck.