I've got 0.9.7-pre1 running with the included LCR & mysql modules.  Am I the only one who's annoyed at the handling of IP addresses in LCR?

First, I don't see why gw.ip_addr has to be an int. Is a varchar column for the IP address really that much of a performance hit? Isn't there something to be said for human readable and editable tables?

Second, if it has to be an unsigned int, shouldn't some attention be paid to byte order? This module appears to assume that the IP address in the table is in Intel byte order (little endian). This will break if the address is in network byte order (big endian), as it would be if, for example, the MySQL INET_ATON() function was used to convert an IP address to an int.

You can verify this with "serctl fifo lcr_dump" which will call print_gws, which inexplicably does a homegrown IP address decode, instead of calling the appropriate C library functions to convert IP addresses into proper byte order.