On 07/19/13 14:46, Alexey Rybalko wrote:
Good! When NGCP 3.0 will be available for the
Have we any chance to evaluate media profile conversion(SDP) prior that
event using base Kamailio? There a several patches from Sipwise for
Kamailio core and some other modules as well (e.g. nathelper).The only
examples for new mediaproxy might be found inside SPCE (NGCP), but it's
config doesn't work without patching the Kamailio sources.
You don't have to patch it if you check out the rtpproxy-ng branch from
the Kamailio git repo (or the Sipwise Kamailio repo for that matter),
but you're still gonna have to compile the sources yourself. At this
point, there's no way around that. NGCP 3.0 is on the horizon, but not
quite there yet as there's still some issues that need to be worked out.