That's great news, I encourage the serusers community to give it
a try and share the experience.
At 04:14 PM 8/29/2003, Xten India wrote:
We Xten released a newer version of SERAdmin which
editing option of ser.cfg and ser.ctl.
Xten is building this for the ser community and we would very much like your feedback so
that we can build you a better product ...
The Source code is available at
SERAdmin is a GUI interface between SIP Express Router (SER) and a SER
administrator.SERAdmin has an intuitive look and feel.
SERAdmin provides control over many SER tasks such as:
Start, Stop, Pause, Re-start, Monitor SER, Add User, Change Password and EmailId Delete
User, Add Alias , Edit Alias etc.
With this we can also use FIFO commands,Access controls,User Location.
you can download the components from
For any feedback & help pls. contact
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