Hi Alex,
On 22 August 2013 12:46, Alex Balashov <abalashov(a)evaristesys.com> wrote:
On 08/22/2013 06:25 AM, Steve Davies wrote:
Ordinary outbound and inbound calls
Holding / unholding
"Blind" transfers
"Attended" transfers
mid-call reINVITEs (session timers?)
The specificity of almost all of these scenarios lies in the user agents
that are the endpoints of the call, and not the proxy.
So, while they might be useful end-to-end tests of your entire service
delivery platform, they are broken down according to a taxonomy that
differs from the proxy's state machine and functional orientation.
I do take your point.
So since I correctly handle initial requests and the replies, and can
handle in-dialog requests and replies, and deal with those hop-by-hop
requests, I can just relax and be happy?
As you say, my different end-user scenarios boil down to the same
"elements", but in practice my tests did find a problem with the way my
Enswitch proxy was handling loose-routed NOTIFYs.
Users are very good at finding odd corner-cases, so it seems helpful to
consider in advance flows that exercise unusual paths through the proxy