Hello everyone.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I am using Asterisk as a voice mail
server for my ser SIP proxy. Everything works fine expect the Message Waiting
Indicator (MWI). I've read a few articles and got some good feed back from this
mailing list but here is my problem.
My NOTIFY message is crashing my SIP phone. Here is my setup. I'm using
"externnotify" in Asterisk to call a /usr/bin/mwi script that I wrote. All this
script does is create file in /var/spool/mwi that contains the externnotify
Then cron periodically processes the messages in /var/spool/mwi. By process I
mean it will create the SIP NOTIFY messages and place them directly in to the
ser FIFO. The problem is when this happens the SIP phone crashes.
Here is a sample of my NOTIFY message that my Asterisk server cron job is
sending to the ser FIFO. I wish there was a way to just have Asterisk register
with the ser proxy and handle this automatically.
Can anyone see a problem?
NOTIFY sip:1002@sip01.mycompany.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
From: "vmserver" <sip:vmserver@sip01.mycompany.com>
To: <sip:1002@sip01.mycomany.com>
Contact: <sip:vmserver@sip01.mycompany.com>
Call-ID: 5b8be1521efe68b5365a36466ad3b87(a)
CSeq: 1101 NOTIFY
User-Agent: VoiceMail
Event: message-summary
Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary
Content-Length: 38
Messages-Waiting: yes
Voicemail: 13/0
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