There is an error in acc_radius module
when SER sends first accounting request corresponding to invite the User-Name AVP is
taken as the "user" parameter in the Authorization header field, which is the correct behaviour.
Acct-Session-Id = "Njg1M2M4NzE0NzAyZTIwZjcyOWNhMzIyMGVlY2RiNmQ."
Sip-To-Tag = "0234593C-494D655A00008C74-40C0B950"
SER-From = "\"Tomasz Zieleniewski\"<sip:tzl@sip.rd.touk.pl>;tag=815fbd6e"
SER-Flags = 140509184
SER-Original-Request-ID = "sip:test@sip.rd.touk.pl"
Sip-Method = "INVITE"
Sip-Cseq = 2
Sip-Translated-Request-ID = "sip:announcement@"
Sip-Source-IP-Address =
Sip-From-Tag = "815fbd6e"
SER-To = "\"test\"<sip:test@sip.rd.touk.pl>;tag=0234593C-494D655A00008C74-40C0B950"
SER-Digest-Username = "tzl"
SER-Request-Timestamp = 1229808986
Calling-Station-Id = "sip:tzl@sip.rd.touk.pl"
Sip-Source-Port = 5499
SER-Digest-Realm = "touk.pl"
Sip-Response-Code = 200
Called-Station-Id = "sip:test@sip.rd.touk.pl"
SER-Response-Timestamp = 1229808986
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Service-Type = IAPP-Register
User-Name = "tzl@touk.pl"
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
NAS-IP-Address =
When there is another accounting request for instance when there is session termination by BYE request
User-Name AVP is equal to the "From" Header when it shouldn't because it should be used if there was no authentication.
Acct-Session-Id = "Njg1M2M4NzE0NzAyZTIwZjcyOWNhMzIyMGVlY2RiNmQ."
Sip-To-Tag = "0234593C-494D655A00008C74-40C0B950"
SER-From = "\"Tomasz Zieleniewski\"<sip:tzl@sip.rd.touk.pl>;tag=815fbd6e"
SER-Flags = 140509184
SER-Original-Request-ID = "sip:announcement@"
Sip-Method = "BYE"
Sip-Cseq = 3
Sip-Translated-Request-ID = "sip:announcement@"
Sip-Source-IP-Address =
Sip-From-Tag = "815fbd6e"
SER-To = "\"test\"<sip:test@sip.rd.touk.pl>;tag=0234593C-494D655A00008C74-40C0B950"
SER-Request-Timestamp = 1229808992
Calling-Station-Id = "sip:tzl@sip.rd.touk.pl"
Sip-Source-Port = 5499
Sip-Response-Code = 200
Called-Station-Id = "sip:test@sip.rd.touk.pl"
SER-Response-Timestamp = 1229808992
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Service-Type = IAPP-Register
User-Name = "tzl@sip.rd.touk.pl"
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
NAS-IP-Address =
Kind regards
Tomasz Zieleniewski