On Monday 18 December 2006 10:36, Andreas Granig wrote:
Then, as already said: why not merging the advantages of both versions? Technically, it shouldn't be a problem to load the two config files into shared memory in one module (and reread it by MI) and provide an api for accessing it from others.
It would be a problem for me because it will complicate things. I do not need an MI interface for this. As it is now it automatically detects any change in the config files and reloads them on the fly without any intervention. Your proposal is a complication from my point of view.
This way, also rtpproxy could take advantage of that.
I doubt it. Specific changes are required to support asymmetric clients, not only the fact that contact fixing is aware of that.
Beside that, I can't see any other functionality, which mediaproxy has over the nathelper version.
With this kind of statements (and the previous ones you made on the subject) you only prove that you do not use mediaproxy, do not know what it has to offer when compared to nathelper and do not care too much what happens to it. This is why it has a README which details its capabilities and how it compares with nathelper and what are its advantages.
I don't see any real issues. It's some work which has to be done, and it's not really the most important thing on the todo-list, but it would remove unneeded redundancy.
It is interesting for me to notice that all these proposals to chop down mediaproxy come from someone who is not using it. Not from someone who is using it and wants to improve it, but from someone who doesn't use it and doesn't know what it has to offer, but for some strange reason feels the need to modify it to fit his vision of things.
As a conclusion, I'm open to any suggestion that will make mediaproxy better and easier to use. I will not agree however to any change that will complicate my life as a mediaproxy user so that someone else who is not using it feels better over what it provides. Currently the fact that the contact fixing/checking is present in 2 modules doesn't bother me at all, however all the proposals I've heard here would make a mediaproxy user's life more complicated for no good reason and they're not worth the price IMO.