On Friday 10 September 2010, anthony thomas wrote:
I am retrieving values from a db using either carrierroute or mtree modules to send a 302 to my softswitch. It expects the message as: [..] Contact: sip:989897@X.X.X.X;rg=4003;q=0.2 Contact: sip:989897@X.X.X.X:rg=321;q=0.8 [..] And then inject those values in the contact header, but I am having a hard time finding the right way to do it. Is there any way to do it without calling the perl module?
Hi anthony,
so your question is related to the modifying of the contact header in the message? Have you tried the remove_hf/ append_hf functions, or the subst function (all in textops) in the config script?