Greetings list,I am trying to make two endpoints talking on DTLS-SRTP. But I hear on audio.Things work perfectly fine if I use RTP or SRTP with TLS.Endpoints are pjsip based application not webrtc based clients.Below are logs from rtpengine. I hope someone could point out amiss.Apr 9 20:02:43 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58438]: INFO: [66d2da58-21fe-48bd-9999-a1f3a22afa6d]: --------- Port <>, SSRC 1234c6eb, 641 p, 110252 b, 0 e, 60 ts Apr 9 20:02:43 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58438]: INFO: [66d2da58-21fe-48bd-9999-a1f3a22afa6d]: --------- Port <> (RTCP), SSRC 1234c6eb, 4 p, 372 b, 0 e, 60 ts Apr 9 20:12:24 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58438]: INFO: Version git-master-3ef300b shutting downApr 9 20:12:37 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58958]: INFO: Generating new DTLS certificateApr 9 20:12:37 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: Startup complete, version git-master-3ef300bApr 9 20:13:43 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: Received command 'offer' from Apr 9 20:13:43 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: NOTICE: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: Creating new call Apr 9 20:13:43 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: offer time = 0.002612 sec Apr 9 20:13:43 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: Replying to 'offer' from Apr 9 20:13:56 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: Received command 'answer' from Apr 9 20:13:56 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: answer time = 0.000220 sec Apr 9 20:13:56 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08]: Replying to 'answer' from Apr 9 20:13:56 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8000]: DTLS: Peer certificate accepted Apr 9 20:13:56 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8000]: DTLS-SRTP successfully negotiated Apr 9 20:13:57 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: ERR: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8000]: SRTP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated Apr 9 20:14:00 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8000]: Confirmed peer address as Apr 9 20:14:07 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: ERR: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8001]: SRTCP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated Apr 9 20:14:07 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08] version=2, padding=0, count=1, payloadtype=200, length=12, ssrc=2045607967, ntp_sec=1379282714, ntp_fractions=439054259, rtp_ts=1838072137, sender_packets=3366262813, sender_bytes=2383498210, ssrc=815258372, fraction_lost=96, packet_loss=13713522, last_seq=3314313929, jitter=2878956247, last_sr=2456273253, delay_since_last_sr=3351655681 Apr 9 20:14:07 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: INFO: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8001]: Confirmed peer address as Apr 9 20:14:12 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: ERR: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8000]: SRTP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated Apr 9 20:14:17 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08] version=2, padding=0, count=1, payloadtype=200, length=12, ssrc=2045607967, ntp_sec=2811881700, ntp_fractions=4080266212, rtp_ts=371429680, sender_packets=958830616, sender_bytes=2579186043, ssrc=1909756377, fraction_lost=174, packet_loss=11416637, last_seq=3106722675, jitter=758758394, last_sr=2663618457, delay_since_last_sr=1399181077 Apr 9 20:14:27 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: ERR: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8000]: SRTP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated Apr 9 20:14:27 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: ERR: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08 port 8001]: SRTCP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated Apr 9 20:14:27 centos-1024mb-nyc-02 rtpengine[58959]: [a5ca8335-84d2-4daf-a0e2-6465e72b6d08] version=2, padding=0, cou
It is how I have programmed it in my Kamailio configuration.ON INVITErtpengine_offer("replace-origin replace-session-connection ICE=remove UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP"); ON 200-okrtpengine_answer("replace-origin replace-session-connection ICE=remove UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP"); Best Regards,Aqs Younas