And how exactly is this Kamailio-related?
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 3:24 PM Yuriy Nasida wrote:
I do not want MS to initiate a separate call leg. I want to get attended (consult) transfer. I call from A to B. Next call from A to C. Next, I want transfer B to C. B and C is pstn numbers (i.e. not MS side).
I expect 2 variants:
- Without REFER support at kamailio. I expect MS just will do
transfer B-->C at MS side. But MS send one more INVITE to C Instead of this. i.e. C side already has the call. I do transfer and.. C side gets one more call instead of transfer.
- Kamilio support REFER and send it to FS. FS should transfer such
call inside itself (like it does for REFERs from zoiper or other usual softphones). But... MS sends weird REFER and FS can not handle it it the same way like FS does for zoiper.
Please advice.
On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 18:39, Sergiu Pojoga wrote:
Remove the REFER from Supported header if you want MS to initiate a separate call leg, it's described in the direct dialing documentation.
On Thu, May 14, 2020, 11:14 AM Yuriy Nasida, wrote:
Well, I saw similar questions in the list already but looks like nobody has answer.
Please look at REFER below.
Kamilio get REFER from MS and sends it to FS node. Next, FS node try to make 3th call for some reason.I expect that FS will not do 3th call and just will connect Alice and Bob itself.
2020/05/14 12:32:00.637027 KAM_IP:5060 -> FS_IP:5060 REFER sip:Alice_number@FS_IP:5060;transport=udp SIP/2.0 FROM: ;user=phone;tag=a860c50a3fb54d08b4e5740fa2dfb3d6 TO: sip:Alice_number@FQDN_OF_TRUNK:5061;user=phone;tag=e8ct9S6ty13va CSEQ: 4 REFER CALL-ID: 2c71b2a6669b5343a231e1244b19c945 MAX-FORWARDS: 50 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP FQDN_OF_TRUNK:5060;branch=z9hG4bK10ae.2c42897feca117121a23bf0c8d54cd19.0;i=c VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK7e3e8998 CONTACT: < ;x-i=6b68e7aa-f5e2-44ec-9edf-0bacbabfce07;x-c=2c71b2a6669b5343a231e1244b19c945/d/8/b68f86794a8e44d19543f8edbee6b2fc CONTENT-LENGTH: 0 REFER-TO: ;user=phone;transport=tls REFERRED-BY: < ;x-m=8:orgid:21bc47d3-c050-4292-8234-46f7005b97aa;x-t=fb788ef8-3c4c-455a-8d62-f3c20832c0d3;x-ti=6b68e7aa-f5e2-44ec-9edf-
acbabfce07;x-tt=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGktZHUtYS1ldXdlLnBzdG5odWIubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS92MS9uZ2MvY2FsbG5vdGlmaWNhdGlvbj9kY2k9YzIxMjE3MzEyNTQ2NDk1ZjlhYTcwODliYTkwNGIxZGQ%3D> USER-AGENT: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.5.6.2 i.EUWE.4 ALLOW: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY P-ASSERTED-IDENTITY: tel:MS_TRUNK_NUMBER,<> PRIVACY: id X-AUTH-IP: X-AUTH-PORT: 3136
Any advice?
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