On 03-01 11:58, Greg Fausak wrote:
I love this mailing list :-)
So, in my case where I am routing
phone calls and not doing any SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY stuff,
my original assertion seems to be correct.
I need to handle 3 requests
1) a loose_route()
3) an INVITE
The INVITE stamps all dialogs with a record route, all subsequent
BYE/ACK/CANCEL stuff rides on the loose_routing. Anything
that doesn't match one of the 3 cases above is an error.
Only BYE/ACK. CANCELs are not record routed (since no 200 OK was
received by the sender). But because CANCEL contains the same
Request-URI as the associated INVITE, it is OK.
But yes, you can record-route INVITEs only, that's probably what you
are interested in.