iirc, dialog module is writing to database when the call is answered, before there should be no record in database for that call.
Do you experience something different?
In other words, if you tried with mysql, is something different in the behaviour for writing to storage when comparing with using db_redis?
Cheers, Daniel
On 19.11.18 10:53, David Escartín wrote:
hello all
using version 5.2.0-rc0 of kamailio, we are trying to track the dialogs of dialog module using db_redis module with this setup #!define DBURL_DIALOG "redis://"
# ----- dialog params ----- modparam("dialog", "db_url", DBURL_DIALOG) modparam("dialog", "enable_stats", 1) modparam("dialog", "hash_size", 16384) modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag", 31) modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 1) modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1) modparam("dialog", "timer_procs", 1) modparam("dialog", "db_update_period", 1)
# ----- db_redis params ----- modparam("db_redis", "schema_path", "/usr/local/kamailio/share/kamailio/db_redis/kamailio") modparam("db_redis", "keys", "dialog=entry:hash_entry,hash_id,callid") modparam("db_redis", "keys", "dialog_vars=entry:hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value")
and we see it works and if a kamailio instance resets in the middle of a dialog it recovers all the dlg_vars and values because we have the db_skip_load to 0 in dialog module.
But we have noticed that the redis is being written with the information of the dlg_var assigned until that moment when we get a provisional response with SDP, and we dom see a set on the redis with the dialog entry and id untill call is connected.
Nov 16 13:22:55 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22424]: INFO: Call-ID 1-1511@ Status 180 Nov 16 13:22:55 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22424]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1489]: db_redis_perform_update(): performing full table scan on table 'dialog' while performing update Nov 16 13:22:55 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22424]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 0 is 'hash_entry' Nov 16 13:22:55 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22424]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 1 is 'hash_id'
on the redis (we only see hmset for dialog_vars key) 1542374575.721816 [7] "HMSET" "dialog_vars:entry::13725:16494:_uac_funew:sip:1231215423@voda.interconnect.manxtelecom.im" "hash_entry" "13725" "hash_id" "16494" "dialog_key" "_uac_funew" "dialog_value" "sip:1231215423@voda.interconnect.manxtelecom.im" 1542374575.722001 [7] "HMSET" "dialog_vars:entry::13725:16494:_uac_fu:sip:anonymous@voda.interconnect.manxtelecom.im" "hash_entry" "13725" "hash_id" "16494" "dialog_key" "_uac_fu" "dialog_value" "sip:anonymous@voda.interconnect.manxtelecom.im" .... Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22425]: INFO: Call-ID 1-1511@ Status 200 Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22425]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1489]: db_redis_perform_update(): performing full table scan on table 'dialog_vars' while performing update Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22425]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 0 is 'hash_entry' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22425]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 1 is 'hash_id' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22425]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 2 is 'dialog_key' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1489]: db_redis_perform_update(): performing full table scan on table 'dialog' while performing update Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 0 is 'hash_entry' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 1 is 'hash_id' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1489]: db_redis_perform_update(): performing full table scan on table 'dialog' while performing update Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 0 is 'hash_entry' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: WARNING: db_redis [redis_dbase.c:1492]: db_redis_perform_update(): scan key 1 is 'hash_id' Nov 16 13:23:05 proxy-1 /usr/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[22426]: INFO: Call-ID 1-1511@ ACK received in A-Leg
on the redis 1542374585.810520 [7] "SCAN" "0" "MATCH" "dialog:entry::*" "COUNT" "1000" 1542374585.810672 [7] "EXISTS" "dialog:entry::13725:16494:1-1511@" 1542374585.810683 [7] "HMGET" "dialog:entry::13725:16494:1-1511@" "hash_entry" "hash_id" 1542374585.810776 [7] "HMSET" "dialog:entry::13725:16494:1-1511@" "state" "4" "timeout" "1542377585" "caller_cseq" "1" "callee_cseq" "0" "caller_contact" "sip:0000123456@" "callee_contact" "sip:50622959898@;transport=udp" 1542374585.810899 [7] "SCAN" "0" "MATCH" "dialog:entry::*" "COUNT" "1000" 1542374585.810969 [7] "EXISTS" "dialog:entry::13725:16494:1-1511@" 1542374585.810977 [7] "HMGET" "dialog:entry::13725:16494:1-1511@" "hash_entry" "hash_id" 1542374585.811059 [7] "HMSET" "dialog:entry::13725:16494:1-1511@" "state" "4" "timeout" "1542377585" "caller_cseq" "1" "callee_cseq" "0" "caller_contact" "sip:0000123456@" "callee_contact" "sip:50622959898@;transport=udp"
i don't see a redis set order to update the dialog entry key before the 200OK is received, to create and update state 1, etc. when created with dlg_manage command
could you please check if we might be missing something?
thanks a lot and regards david
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