At 09:34 PM 2/24/2003, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 08:54:00PM +0100, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
What is CIC?
A PBX made by I3 (
Send us network dumps please -- that will make it easier to understand for us. You can for example use "ngrep port 5060".
Network dump from the SER server is attached.
snom phone is a common suspect again.
The first signaling transaction looks ok. The only unusual thing is that for some reason, the ININ server advertises as media receiver whereas its signaling lives at Is media decomposed?
The really suspicious is the second transaction. The snom phone sitting at .36 advertises contacts with .34 in its replies. That makes the caller (ININ) to send an ACK to .34. Snom does not received it and keeps soliciting it by retransmitting 200s.