

I’ve configured OpenSER with Pike module but it’s not working as expected (doesn’t block IP according to the configured time). J


Here is a simple configuration by considering the following:


modparam("pike", "sampling_time_unit", 60) #1 minute

modparam("pike", "reqs_density_per_unit", 200) #200 requests

modparam("pike", "remove_latency", 7200) #Block IP for 2 hours


if (!pike_check_req())

    xlog("L_CRIT","#########TOO MANY HITS FROM $si##########\n");




If the number of SIP messages from a single IP address to my SIP Proxy exceeds 200 per minute. Action: Block IP for 2 hours.


I’m not sure whether I’m doing wrong or is there any problem with Pike module?


Please help me with valuable feedback.


Thanks in advance!