Here it is.. We are trying to keep the prefix, in a header  or a avp or something..


So we want to use the prefix  to log a certain gw used..


Usually calls come from A  to SER to other Term boxes.


The problem is once I load_gw() then I cannot use the values.


EX: on invite I do some checking , then load_gw..


If gw is box X.. then we add a prefix 2312 lets say.


Upon reply I cannot get that value back even in $ruri


Although I can set anything in the invite before leaving .



Also tried add_rr_param but no go..


Any ideas ?



Basically on :


onreply_route[1] {


if(is_method("INVITE") && ($rs==183) )   {



                # DO STUFF

I need to access the gateway it used from here..


