-----Original Message-----
From: NTX Technology [mailto:info@ntxtechnology.com]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 5:54 PM
To: serusers@lists.iptel.org
Subject: [Serusers] SIP Express Router

We are trying to install and test your Sip Express Router.
Environment:   Redhat Linux 8.0 with mysql server running.
I downloaded the rpm packages
1. ser-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm,
2. ser-0.8.12-0.src.rpm,
3. ser-jabber-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm,
4. ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm,
5. ser-radius-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm.
from the ftp site. I, then, installed 1'st, 3'rd and 4'th packages. when i try to restart theserver, from the terminal window again, 'stopping ser :  [FAILED], Starting ser: [OK]' message appears. but wheni  run the terminal window, and check teh status of the ser server, it gives the following message. 'ser dead but subsys locked'.
when i try to run the configuration file, /etc/ser/ser.cfg, it says permission denied..
what do you mean by "run the configuration file"? root is allowed to edit the configuration file using a text editor.
maybe there is an error in your ser.cfg, which causes ser to fail during startup
Also, when i try to run ser_mysql.sh, using  /usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh, everything works fine. But when i run /usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh create, to create a database, it asks for 'MySql password for root:'. Is it the root passsword for the system or the DEFAULT_PW or RO_PW (given in ser_mysql.sh). after its asks for the domain or realm, the following error message appears.
'/usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh: line 1: gen_ha1: command not found
HA1 calculation failed'
the mysql password for root the the password of the mysql-root user (not the linux root user). In redhat, the mysql-root user password is default empty -> just press enter when you are asked.
Also, i installed mysql server after installing the packages described above.  will it be the cause of the issue ?
Would really appreciate, if you could throw some light on this... as i'm new to linux, i find it really difficult, sometimes.. cheers,