hi daniel, as far as i have explored force_rport(), places the rport parameter in the topmost via header and not in its own via header. am i right ?
example :
UAC -> (via1:via2:via3)proxy(force_rport)->(via1:via2:via3,rport:via4)next proxy
i want this : UAC -> (via1:via2:via3)proxy(force_rport)->(via1:via2:via3:via4,rport)next proxy
Please clarify it ?
Regards, Ranveer.
On 8/10/05, Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel@voice-system.ro wrote:
you have to use force_rport() in the configuration file for the request you want rport parameter in VIA.
On 08/10/05 20:44, ranveer kunal wrote:
hi all, Is there a way to configure openser so that it sends rport in via header ? Actually th packet from server is reverse natted through another system using any random port, i want it the reply to come on the same port . thanks ....
Regards, Ranveer.