I looked at code and I couldn't spot quickly anything wrong with using
the xavp. I added more debug message in the git master branch.
Can you add:
just before save() in your config and test with git master branch and
debug=3? Then send the log messages printed for the registration that
should exceed the limit set in the xavp.
On 18.08.22 10:04, Benoit Panizzon wrote:
Hi Daniel
Two CEP already registered. Registering a 3rd one (snom).
Some IP and Hostnames replaced by 'HIDDEN'.
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: INFO: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<script>: REGISTRAR: Setting max_contacts to 2 for
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [regpv.c:552]: pv_fetch_contacts_helper(): memory block
between 0x7fd0c5bc7230 - 0x7fd0c5bc73a8
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [regpv.c:552]: pv_fetch_contacts_helper(): memory block
between 0x7fd0c5bc7410 - 0x7fd0c5bc75ea
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [regpv.c:574]: pv_fetch_contacts_helper(): fetched <2>
contacts for <315995001> in [caller]
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: INFO: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<script>: REGISTRAR: Existing registration contacts count: 2
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: INFO: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<script>: REGISTRAR: 0: Contact-Address:
sip:315995001@HIDDEN:5060 Agent: Cisco/SPA112-1.4.1_SR5 Expires: 1660811132
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: INFO: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<script>: REGISTRAR: 1: Contact-Address:
sip:315995001@HIDDEN;transport=udp Agent: Linphone Desktop/ (Debian GNU/Linux 11
(bullseye), Qt 5.15.2) LinphoneCore/4.4.21 Expires: 1660810748
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: INFO: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<script>: REGISTRAR: XAVP: <null> before setting
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: INFO: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<script>: REGISTRAR: XAVP: 2 after setting
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:324]: pack_ci(): set
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]<core> [core/utils/sruid.c:209]: sruid_nextx(): new sruid is
[uloc-62fdee99-121cbf-1] (1 / 22)
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:420]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is:
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:607]: test_max_contacts(): 2 valid contacts
Aug 18 07:52:55 dev-cpereg02 kamailio[1187007]: DEBUG: [1 315995001 zygwpey7@snom
1899942452 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:629]: test_max_contacts(): 3 contacts after commit
Produced by:
$avp(max_contacts) is 2 for this $aU.
$var(saveuri) = "sip:" + $aU + "@" + $rd;
if ($avp(debug) > 0) {
xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): Setting max_contacts to
$avp(max_contacts) for $var(saveuri)\n");
if(reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$var(saveuri)",
"caller")) {
xlog("L_INFO","$cfg(route): Existing registration
contacts count: $(ulc(caller=>count))\n");
$var(i) = 0;
while($var(i) < $(ulc(caller=>count))) {
xlog("L_INFO","$cfg(route): $var(i):
Contact-Address: $(ulc(caller=>addr)[$var(i)]) Agent:
$(ulc(caller=>user_agent)[$var(i)]) Expires:
$var(i) = $var(i) + 1;
} else {
xlog("L_INFO","$cfg(route): No existing contacts
for AOR $var(saveuri)\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$cfg(route): XAVP: $xavp(reg=>max_contacts)
before setting\n");
$xavp(reg=>max_contacts) = $avp(max_contacts);
xlog("L_INFO","$cfg(route): XAVP: $xavp(reg=>max_contacts)
after setting\n");
$var(result) = save("location","0x00","$var(saveuri)");
== snipp ==
# kamctl ul show 315995001(a)dev-cpereg01.[HIDDEN] | grep Address
"Address": "sip:315995001@[HIDDEN].229:5060",
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web