We could use the IETF meeting in Prague in March. Actually, I have anticipated
that and there is a hotel room reserved already :-) Could folks willing to show
up and debate roadmap or whatever else appears important technically speak up
At 12:08 25/01/2007, Olle E Johansson wrote:
As I am fighting the same issues and try to make chan_sip easier for
the administrator, would it be
a good idea with a joint Open Source SIP developer meeting somewhere
in Europe this spring?
We have a lot of common issues, need to settle with the same
terminology and propably fight
the same fights with RFCs to implement...
A lot of of users use both Asterisk and SER/OPENSER, so they need
For my work on a new chan_sip, please check http://www.codename- pineapple.org
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Jiri Kuthan http://iptel.org/~jiri/
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