It does not work...I tried with autoexpire=0, I tried with no
autoexpires define, I Tried defining a number and see if the value is
this is my table definition:
modparam("htable", "htable",
I remind you i need the memory to be updated from the DB every
interval, and not the DB form the memory.
Declare the table without autoexpire. Check again the
module README.
Ovidiu Sas
On Feb 23, 2014 11:23 AM, "Uri Shacked" <ushacked at
<>> wrote:
>* Hi,
*>>>>* Following my issue
with reloading data. I am thinking of a way to keep
*>>* data updated in memory.
*>>* I read the HTABLE module again and notice the "db_expires" option.
*>>* It does not work for me...
*>>>>* I try to set it so an item will expire in 60 sec, and when expired, it
*>>* will be reloaded from DB and not deleted.
*>>>>* Any ideas?
*>>>>* Uri*