I didn't notice that require() was not in the duktape 2.x, I will try to add support for module-duktape when I get a chance. If someone wants to do it, pull requests are welcome -- it does not seem to be complex:
* https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/tree/master/extras/module-duktape
The module-node sounds interesting, but not being familiar with node.js, looks it need more work to enable it:
* https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/tree/master/extras/module-node
Cheers, Daniel
On 20.02.22 00:50, Ian Carlson wrote:
I’m new to Kamailio and working to add Kamailio to an existing Asterisk solution. I’m attracted to the idea of routing via KEMI jsdt since our Asterisk ARI is using nodejs. Playing with KEMI jsdt I was trying to use require() to break up the monolithic routing script. It seems that Kamailio uses Ducktape 2 without module-node or module-ducktape, requiring all routing in a single file? I’d appreciate any suggested practices for managing Kamailio configurations.
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