Hello guys,
i've got this in my config:
Module config:
Route: sql_query("asg", "insert ignore dispatcher (id, setid, destination, flags, priority, attrs, description) values (NULL, $var(dispatcher_id), 'sip:$si:5080', 0, 0, 'weight=$var(new_weight);maxload=50', '$fU')"); xlog("L_ERR", "[ASG_ADD_TO_DISPATCHER] Affected rows: $sqlrows(asg)\n"); if ($sqlrows(asg)>0) { ds_reload(); } else { xlog("L_ERR", "[ASG_ADD_TO_DISPATCHER] COULD NOT ADD THE NEW GATEWAY WITH IP $si AND USERNAME $fU\n"); }
and i'm getting:
0(3929) CRITICAL: <core> [core/cfg.y:3447]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 1261, column 20-32: Can't get from cache: $sqlrows(asg)
I can't figure out where the problem might be.
Can anyone help?
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com phone: +34669448337 ᐧ