is the error from SER or from asterisk, if from SER, then allow asterisk
IP as trusted, i.e dont auth requests coming from asterisk.
As for dialplan, you need to give some more detail as to what you want to do
zhaomin wrote:
Hello! I install asterisk and ser in same host, They
are working well
alone , I want to integrated them together,I used the pstn-gw.cfg from .I used the asterisk as a pstn gateway and
asterisk's account is 200 201 ,when I dial the number 011201 forward
the PSTN gateway ,UA show me error"407 Proxy Authentication Required"
How can I solve it? BTW I want to know how does I plan the ser and
asterisk dialplan. Ser and asterisk have differ users
authentication,How we know them are differ?
thanks advance!
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