Hi all
I trying to install the test`s kamailio from repo in the new instance on
the CentOS 7 with MariaDB 5.5.6
and get this ERROR message
[user@testkamailio-002] # kamdbctl create
MySQL password for root:
INFO: test server charset
INFO: creating database kamailio ...
INFO: granting privileges to database kamailio ...
INFO: creating standard tables into kamailio ...
INFO: Core Kamailio tables succesfully created.
Install presence related tables? (y/n): y
INFO: creating presence tables into kamailio ...
INFO: Presence tables succesfully created.
Install tables for imc cpl siptrace domainpolicy carrierroute
drouting userblacklist htable purple uac pipelimit mtree
sca mohqueue
rtpproxy rtpengine secfilter? (y/n): y
INFO: creating extra tables into kamailio ...
ERROR 1067 (42000) at line 1: Invalid default value for 'action'
ERROR: Creating extra tables failed at secfilter!
after if i try reinit i get this error
[user@testkamailio-002] # kamdbctl reinit
MySQL password for root:
This will drop your current database and create a new one.
It is recommended to first backup your database.
Continue with reinit? (y/n): y
INFO: Database kamailio deleted
INFO: test server charset
INFO: creating database kamailio ...
INFO: granting privileges to database kamailio ...
ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'kamailio'@
ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'kamailioro'@
ERROR: granting privileges to database kamailio failed!
two weeks ago, the installation was successful, apparently there were some
changes in the script
Vjacheslav Panasov