Happy New Year!
BUT ... :-)
After registered with a pc installed SER(public IP 'A'), I could not
get any sound on my own pc behind NAT(public IP 'B'). So, I wanna SER
be Registerar and another pc (public IP 'C') installed siproxd as
OUTBOUND PROXY. (I could hear something when changing
outbound-proxy-setting to "fwdnat.pulver.com:5082").
SO, questions are:
1. Can I use Siproxd as OutBound Proxy in public IP?
2. If so, How Can I setup the config file?
### siproxd.conf of mine ###
if_inbound = eth0
if_outbound = eth0
sip_listenport = 5082
daemonize = 0
( and some pid, rtp confs ...)
######### end ############
3. According Jan, SER can also be used as outbound proxy, How can
I setup it ?
Thank you!
Any adviced advanced!!!