Soren (Home) wrote:
I am not sure what you mean by ISDN PBX - its a PBX located on a dialup-ISDN or?
It's a ISDN-SIP gateway acting as a UAC, see for details. And the PBX is connected to it.
Just to understand your scenario:
You have: INVITE 0123451000@my.domain
Which you can lookup as: 012345@my.domain
Which returns a contact like: 012345@
Where you need to append the extention: 0123451000@
Is this correct?
That's it, yes.
exec_dst(' SIP_RHOST=${SIP_RURI/sip:*@/} echo "sip:$SIP_OUSER@$SIP_RHOST" '):
D'oh, yes, SIP_OUSER is the beast i was looking for. I better should RTFM ;o) You're right, that's a much niftier way to do this...
Thanks alot, Andy