Hi Greger. On October 25, 2005, you wrote:
At least one thing is for sure: I have now registered a two-digit number
of people who are struggling with and proposing various solutions to load
balancing/failover. We really need to find a solution soon, so all these
bright people can spend their resources on tackling problems that will
bring ser even further!! Such a solution should be a "best practice"
that is *good enough*, and I would vote for simplicity. People who
really need that top-performance/hardware are capable of tuning and
fixing themselves (and maybe improve best-practice along the way), all
the others need a simple, well-described setup.
That is why I have been working with Andreas to try to mirror his
efforts in an onsip.org setup that we will document and make
available as soon as it is ready for prime time. I suggest that anybody
who have opinions or suggestions put them forward so that everything will
be taken into consideration.
I was wondering what progress has been made on this front. Obviously the
documentation isn't ready since it hasn't been released, but I'd be
interested in reading what's been done so far, and contributing my
knowledge wherever I can.
-- Nick
e: nick.hoffman@altcall.com
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