Is it possible to run two instances of ser on the same box, one acting as the proxy and the other acting as the voicemail2email server, or are to different boxes required?
Can you comment a little more on how to get SER as a proxy to transfer messages to SER as a UAS, both on a single box [if this is possible], and/or in a two box setup.
I'd really like to do all this on one box as its much more economical.

Jiri Kuthan <jiri@iptel.org> wrote:
In response for frequent questions how to configure SER to operate
as voicemail2email server, I created an example file. Note that this
example operates as a stand-alone UAS, i.e., the configuration does
not operate in proxy mode -- it needs a proxy fronting it. (I will
try to look at the combined mode too, as soon as time allows.) Also,
the example needs to have sems up and running.

The example is on our CVS, see


Jiri Kuthan http://iptel.org/~jiri/

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