I have seen this same problem myself, when going through Pix firewalls, but
since I have no experience with them, and was not able to work on the
problem, I don't know more about it.
Mike Williams
On Monday 16 October 2006 09:58, Jon Schøpzinsky wrote:
Im having a somewhat weird problem, at least for somebody like me, who is
accustomed to the lovely NAT handling functionality of Asterisk.
When my phone registers on our internal network, everything works like a
charm, and the user is authenticated. But when I move the phone out on the
public internet, it doesn't.
I can see that the only thing changed in the sip messages, is our Cisco PIX
firewall, that changes a few of the IP addresses. How can this have an
impact on the calculation of the HA1 string, since this is where it fails.
The realm hasn't changed, so I cant understand why this doesn't work.
Could somebody who is a little more accustomed to OpenSER tell me why this
Med venlig hilsen
Jon Leren Schøpzinsky
Solution Engineer
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