Hi Henning,
Not sure why there was a need for "emergency action" - is it a kind of war or what? :) . Cannot figure out what was the logic behind, but this kind of hustle decisions (no consultation, no reason, just a wild-wild-west cowboy action) made me make my move. A project needs to offer stability and reliability and this "out-of-control" kind of management does not help at all. I hope you can understand my reason for creating OpenSIPS.
Also, I'm ready to overlook this "not-nice" action, so granting back my admin rights on the OpenSER project will be an act of respect.
Thank you, Bogdan
Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Monday 04 August 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
[..] not really - I do not refer to local route issue. From management point of view, simply review the board list to see what I'm referring at (how the critical issues related to the very existence of the project were handles - like changing the project name). Also "cawboys" like decisions - like revoking my project admin rights with no noticed just because I start working on OpenSIPS - and without expresing yet my position regarding OpenSER (if I still want to be involved or not). Technically speaking also, the decisions are taken in the "wild - cawboy" manner.
Hi Bogdan,
just reply to this specific point: i also removed some of them as "emergency action". I was suprised and disappointed, and want to play safe. Perhaps we can discuss on the board if you still wants to be involved.