I'm confused with these:
modparam("dialog", "ka_timer", 10)
modparam("dialog", "ka_interval", 300)Would this be more or less correct:ka_timer = "run the keep-alive timer every Xs"ka_interval = "send options keep-alive packets every Xs"But.. how are they related?I think it's:- The ka_timer is what sends the OPTIONS but they will only be sent every ka_interval to endpoints? So in the 10s example, the timer is run every 10s, it checks if ka_interval has passed since last OPTIONS was sent to endpoint, and acts accordingly... This means that the combinations of ka_timer=10 with ka_interval=300 would send OPTIONS ever 300-309s right?Does this make sense?Thanks,Joel._______________________________________________On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 10:20 AM, Alex Balashov <abalashov@evaristesys.com> wrote:On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 01:18:24PM -0400, Sergiu Pojoga wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> I personally use the values from examples:
> modparam("dialog", "ka_timer", 10)
> modparam("dialog", "ka_interval", 300)
> modparam("dialog", "send_bye", 1)
That's more or less how I roll, too.
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
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