I have the voicemail function with SEMS working ok but I haven't been
able to get the custom greetings to work. The sems.conf file looks pretty
straight forward but I haven't figured out why I can't get the custom
greetings to work. I recorded a greeting in wav format and placed it in
/usr/local/lib/sems/audio/ser.vci.net/510.wav My SIP ID is 510(a)ser.vci.net
I have also tried using /usr/local/lib/sems/audio/
because when the email is sent out the domain (in the email) is listed as
"" instead of "ser.vci.net" I also tried
/usr/local/lib/sems/audio/ and that doesn't
work either.
If it matters I actually used a symbolic link from
/usr/local/lib/sems/audio/ (and
/usr/local/lib/sems/audio/ser.vci.net) to /var/greetings/ser.vci.net because
serweb puts the custom greetings there. The paths work though.
Most of the sems.cfg file is defaulted. I beleive the only thing I
changed was the smtp server address.
Bill Dunn
# optional parameter: announce_path=<path>
# - sets the path where announce files are searched for
# - the file to be played is determined the following way:
# <announce_path>/<domainname>/<username>.wav
# if this file is not available <announce_path>/<default_anounce> is used
# parameter: default_announce=<filename>
# - sets the name of the default announce WAV file