

            I have a question. Can I put two URI in the same Invite message?.... My Idea is this…


I have a module (MY MODULE), and an external program (MY_PROGRAM)… those are connected by Unix socket…


When SER receives an Invite, Mymodule send this to Myprogram, and Myprogram rewrite de uri of the invite and send to Mymodule.. then


I want to implement Forwarding…. That is…


A(pedro) --------------------call -------------------------à B(alice house)


If B don’t answer, i must forward to C(alice office)….. and so on…


It could arrive doing 2 Uris in the same invite… or I have a branch structure in the msg message?


Myprogam do Accounting, routing and others


Some Ideas..


Thank in advance,


Ing. Francisco Talavera

Dpto. Investigación y Desarrollo

Conexión S.A.