On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:14:42 -0500, Java Rockx javarockx@gmail.com wrote:
IMHO setting max_contacts is very dangerous because if you reboot your SIP UA and your NAT device gives you a new port assignment, the you will __fail__ to register if your previous contact AOR has not expired.
I think this is the hardest part of implementing a "per-seat" configuration. You just don't know when a NAT will assign a new port to a SIP UA.
I gave up on this for this very reason. Our solution is to lock down the SIP UAs and never let a customer get in to the settings (except for the LAN/WAN settings).
Regards, Paul
Hey Paul, I hear you. I'm just saying that max_contacts is basically what we're attempting to accomplish, only in the stable banch of SER. And I've basically got it down to the point where the only time it locks me out is if A) someone is already logged in with that account, or B) my IP address changes. I also wrote a real quick CGI that will list all the users logged in, and if you click on any of them, it'll force them out of the location table, allowing someone else to login (or re-login, if the IP changed).
However, if my superiors find this to not be an acceptable solution, I'd like to know what you are using, and how did you lock it down? We tried with SJphone and had some success, but the quality just doesn't compare to eyeBeam. We managed to lockdown eyeBeam a bit, but users can still get into the settings. I'd appreciate your insight. -- Dana