I have already expressed some of my thoughts on the choice of name in times past, but at this point I'm going to go for option 3 - I don't mind it.
Not because I truly feel the name befits the project, but simply as a pragmatic recognition that considerable work has already been put into changing the name to Kamailio by Daniel-Constantin, Elena-Ramona, Juha Heinanen, Henning Westerholt, and others. It would be a shame if their valuable efforts were in vain.
What this project doesn't need is yet *another* name change; that would just seem downright capricious to outsiders not privy to the nuances.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
Hello everybody,
some people expressed inconveniences regarding the new name, so we would like to get your opinion about, therefore this is a poll that will get us to a decision. Here is the question:
Do you like the name "Kamailio"?
- Yes, I love it. Please keep it.
- It is OK.
- I do not mind the name at all
- I do not like it
- I hate the name and we should change it