There is no documentation yet but setting up the module is really easy. Flatstore module writes all data into plain text files on a local disk.
The directory where the output should go is configured through db_url parameter of acc module. For example:
modparam("acc", "db_url", "flatstore:/var/local/acc")
Would make SER to write all accounting data into /var/log/acc directory. The directory must exist and SER processes must have write access to the directory.
Filenames in that directory will follow this pattern:
For example:
acc_1.log contains the accounting data from the first SER process.
Rotating the files: -------------------
There is a fifo command called flat_rotate (you can execute it using serctl fifo flat_rotate). The command will make SER to close and reopen the files. This can be used for log file rotation:
1) First rename the active log files, for example acc_1.log -> acc_1.log.20050510144425 2) run serctl fifo flat_rotate 3) Move the renamed files somewhere else and process them.
On 09-06-2005 15:38, Xavier TRENTIN wrote:
Hi Marian,
I 've rebuilt ser with flatstore module, but I didn't find any documentation... so I don't know how to configure a ser using flatstore.
If anybody knows where I can find any doc, it would be nice.
B.R. Xavier
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Hi Xavier,
for acc purposes I think flatstore backend is more appropriate than dbtext.
regards, Marian
Xavier TRENTIN wrote:
Hi all,
I've ser running, and I want to log calls into a dbtext database.
I wrotte an empty table with the same fields as in the acc table generated for mysql.
When ser is running, I can see that the acc table loaded in memory is updated, but not my acc table file.
The file is updated only once ser is stopped.
I'd like to know if it's possible to put the data into the acc table file while ser is running, and how to do that?
Best Regards. Xavier.
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