2010/6/18 David kamailio.org@spam.lublink.net:
With regards to the thread "Re: [SR-Users] CANCEL before INVITE". I added a t_newtran(); call after t_checktrans() and before t_relay(), this prevented t_relay() from sending a 100 Trying to the calling user. Why would the functionality of t_relay() change like this ? Is t_relay() assuming that I have already send the 100 Trying if the transaction exists?
'Once the CANCEL is constructed, the client SHOULD check whether it has received any response (provisional or final) for the request being cancelled (herein referred to as the "original request"). ' - RFC3261 Section 9.
So is this the check that tm 1.4.11 t_checktrans() is doing ? If not, how should I be doing this check.
This text is about client side. An UAC shouldn't send a CANCEL if it has received no provisional response from the proxy/UAS. This is to avoid race conditions: In UDP the UAC could send the INVITE, followed by a CANCEL, and the CANCEL could arrive to the proxy before the INVITE (race condition), so the UAC must wait until having a provisiona response in order to send a CANCEL.
But from the server/proxy point of view it doesn't matter. This is, if the proxy has received an INVITE it doesn't matter if it has replied a provisional response or not, it already *can* handle a CANCEL from the client. The only requeriment is having a transaction created for such INVITE (which occurs when calling t_relay or t_newtran).
It looks like I should be be absorbing transactions pretty much at the beginning of my routing script after the sanity checks, is that right? Should the transactions be checked before I call the loose_route() method?
Yes, but usually it's done after loose_route section because such section consumes very few resources (just pure routing). But in my case I check for retransmissions at the beginning of the script.
I read that loose_route() should be secured, would it be correct to request a proxy authentication before calling loose_route() ?
The dialog mechanism (call-id, from-tag and to-tag) should be secure enough. Anyhow you can ask for auth in the proxy but take into account that some UA's out there don't re-send an in-dialog request with credentials. Also, when asking for auth take into account that the From URI of the sender could be different than the username of its credentials (i.e: alice calls to 200 which is an alias to bob, bob later sends a BYE with original From: "sip:200@domain", so it wouldn't match the credentials username "bob").
Can a CANCEL request ever be routed using loose_route().
No, CANCEL is a hop-by-hop request, an UAC sends a CANCEL to the inmediate proxy, and the proxy inmediately replies 200 to the UAC. Later the proxy generates its ***own*** outgoing CANCEL's in order to terminate pending branches (if they exist). Also, CANCEL is not an in-dialog request (no To-tag, no route-set). But you would do better by reading the CANCEL section in RFC 3261 in which this subjet is very well explained.